About us
Dufflecoatshop is the online store with the widest selection of duffle coats in the world. We work directly with the most well-known British manufacturers of duffle coats: Gloverall, Original Montgomery, London Tradition. Our store is the only place where you can compare and get detailed inforation on models of all the main brands at once.
You can always find more than 1000 models of duffle coats on our website.
We have been delivering duffle coats around the world since 2015.
Our warehouse is located in the center of Europe — Prague (K Botiči 1453/6, 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice, Czech Republic), which allows us to send duffle coats to any part of the world as quickly as possible.
We speak English and are ready to advise on manufacturers or give recommendations on choosing the right model. Do not hesitate to ask us questions about the length of the sleeve or your height.
If you have any questions, please contact us at mail@dufflecoatshop.com and we will be happy to help you.

We are experts in duffle coats!